Thursday, September 22, 2016

SAISD at the National Association for College Admissions Counseling Conference 2016

The excitement and passion for high school and college counseling was on slate today at NACAC 2016.  The opening speaker was from Trinity Washington University,  President Patricia Macguire. She gave an incredible, awe-inspriring speech which focused on college access and inclusion and moving forward with being thoughtful and deliberate towards diversity.  She talked about grit and fortitude and how college representatives have the opportunity to include and change the landscape of colleges and universities across the nation.  She talked about what the future will look like and how colleges all over the nation should be courageous in working with non-traditional college going populations.  Ms. Macguire also talked about the Dream Act and providing opportunity for this population of students. Her speech was very moving and inspiring. She is a real advocate for multi-culturalism and cross-cultural effectiveness.  I was enamored with her talk.
Dr. Vargas-Lew talking to Hank Ewert from Austin College in Sherman, TX at the NACAC Conference
Before the speech, we were able to network and we met with Mr. Hank Ewert, Dir of Admissions from Austin College, Colleges that Change Lives.  He talked about his programs and agreed to come present to our high school counselors on the opportunities available to students at Austin College in Sherman, TX. 

The first session I attended this afternoon after the keynote was called:  How America Pays for College:  What Counselors Need to Know.  There was a vast panel and the session was facilitated by Sallie Mae.  They talked a lot about "free money"  and that recent research shows about 38% of folks pay for college through some sort of scholarship while others invest in their child's talent to help increase scholarship opportunities.  They also showed numbers on financial aid and pell eligible recipients.  
     On the way to my session, I had the great honor of meeting AJ Scott with the United States Air Force Academy.  I love the military and connect with these fine institutions of higher learning any chance I get.  I extended a personal invite to Mr. Scott to come to the SAISD College Fair on Oct 26. 
     We had the opportunity to catch up with the great YWLA Rebecca Salazar at the end of our day. Rebecca is very active in the state affiliate Texas Association of College Admissions Counseling, TACAC organization so we ended the day attending a delegate meeting.  We heard about changes to bylaws and to the SGPG, NACAC's Statement of Principles of Good Practice which is the cornerstone of ethical college admissions practices.  As I grow and learn in my new position, I am grateful for professionals like Rebecca who are trailblazers in the world of college counseling and college admissions.  
Dr. Vargas-Lew, me and Rebecca Salazar at NACAC 2016
I also have to give a big shout out to TACAC President and UTSA Admissions Director, Dr. Beverly Woodson-Day.  She has been an incredible leader of the TACAC organization.  She is one of my favorites and she invited all of our counselors to the UTSA/Texas State update in October She even promised a free lunch a Maggianos on I-10.  Yummy!  Please register.

Rebecca, Dr. Woodson-Day and Dr. Vargas-Lew

I also want to remind all of our High School Counselors to please register for TACAC's Super Conference in April. It is a great opportunity for us to grow our skill set.
TACAC Super Conference will happen in San Antonio!  CCR/Lead Counselors, make sure to register early

We saw our great friends from the College Board, Ismael Rodriguez and Heather Rodriguez.  We talked about upcoming products and the possibility of co-presenting on a topic at TACAC.  

Rebecca, Heather from College Board and me

Goodies to throw up and down from the Big 12 schools!  Yeah!!

We ended the day at the Colombus Athenaeum,  where the Big 12 schools hosted a social and we were able to pick up a whole lot of goodies.  I made sure to get a whole lot for all of our counselors! 

NACAC was awesome! 

Overall, today was a great day.  We are going to do our best to work in an Ohio State University Tour tomorrow.  Learning lots of great things and making a whole lot of new connections at this bustling think tank of ideas located at the intersection of high school counseling and college admissions. 

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